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My favorite animal is a dog. It is sometimes called "man's best friend." My uncle's favorite animal is the dog. It also has a dog. His breed is a mini-schnauzer and his name is Bailey. Let me tell you more about dogs.
There are many different races. Retriever, Spaniel and Terrier are just some examples. All have at least one difference. Each breed is very unique. For example, a largeGiant stands almost as tall as a grown man!
Different types of dogs can be used for various purposes. For example, greyhounds are used for hunting, while the Australian Kelpie is used for rounding up sheep. Bailey's goal is for a pet.
Did you know that dogs can be used for anything else special? The dogs are the eyes of the blind "and" ears to the deaf, "as well? Can help dogs, owners draw their attentionsomething, for example, drawing attention to the deaf mother, the baby's crying, or guide the blind man a seat on the bus.
You know how dogs learn tricks? First, the dog must be treated in a place surrounded. Then you have your dog the trick you taught in a word. For example, you like to get your dog how to get stick. Take him to a place full of goodies and throw a stick. Then yell, "Fetch!" Your dogthen calls the stick and you give him a cookie. For every successful trick, you must give him a treat or your dog will never learn.
Let me give you some "Amazing Dog Records. To my knowledge, the fastest breed of dog is the Greyhound, which reach speeds of 64 km per hour. The largest is the Giant Schnauzer dog, which can grow to the size of a man!
I hope that a dog his day. The dogs are really nice. Like Baileya lot. I wish I had the race is the golden retriever. The dogs are valuable and lovable. No wonder they are called "Man's Best Friend!"
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