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The Airedale Terrier is a breed of relatively plain English. The common sizes are between 58-61 inches and weigh about 25 kg. This breed is also sometimes called the Bingley or Waterside Terrier Terrier. This is a breed of medium size, good with children and has a high level of energy density. Must remain a daily dose of exercise and healthy and happy is often very playful as well. Airedale Terriers have been like a fighter Dogs are often kept as pets today, but regularly.
On average, this dog has a duration of 11.5 years, and often die of disease rather than age. In 2004 the UK Kennel Club conducted a survey for the most common causes for the deaths of this kind, and the results were cancer (39.5%), age (14%), urologic (9%) and cardiac ( 7%). Other surveys have also been held and the results are different, but not by much. Although cancer is a common cause of death inThe dogs, race seems to be influenced more different.
Airdale The name comes from a valley in West Riding of Yorkshire, between the Aire and the River Wharfe. Dale is also another word for valley. New Airedale Terrier workers crossing the old English rough coated Black and Tan Terrier hound Otter, an England and the breed officially recognized by the Kennel Club in1886 Over time, this dog was firstcommonly used for hunting. And Hunter had a whole group (consisting of Dussin times or more) terrier hunting prey. It is not very large and powerful dog breed, but otherwise very energetic and loyal. It works great. This breed was also used in the army. With proper training can be very loyal and well behaved, and you must be strong and positive when it comes to her to maintain control. If prepared well, that does not leave muchHair does not.
Airdale Terrier can be aggressive toward other dogs, but usually either friendly or courteous to strangers. They have a very protective instinct and are used as guard dogs or Clock. They have good learning skills are very attentive and persistent, but not the power, but to thwart any intruder. What is lacking in power, done in terms of sound. If you want to feel safe at home an Airdale Terrier is good to have around.
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