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A dog can be a nightmare of man's best friend or your worst! Each year, the farmer's dogs back to the center or delivered to the Animal Rescue because the owner could not cope ...
It 's true - a dog for life - and can sometimes be a handful, but it is a way to make sure you have the best possible relationship with your companion dog. All it takes is a little 'research and a little' food for thought.
Dogs have differentPersonality, and these will be partly shaped by them and the environment you create for you pups. But you can race to say the birth of personality in a dog (in part) by the common characteristics of each dog. Bottom line is that efforts to minimize lifestyle by taking the time easy to choose a breed of dog your personality.
Here are the top 10 breeds of dogs (in popularity) andtheir common characteristics, to decide what type of dog is best for you:
1. Labrador Retriever.
Labradors are intelligent and family dog of medium size. They are probably the most popular dog breed in the world and no wonder. Labrador Retriever is the ideal dog for families with small children. They are not overly sensitive or moody and children is to love them.
If the type ofwho love dogs, choose a Lab Retriever If you have a family with small children - this may be the best solution.
2. Yorkshire Terrier.
Affectionately known as Yorkies are small dogs, but with great personalities. Are considered as a "toy breed, but they are terrier - are still courageous and energetic.
Yorkies are beautiful but high maintenance, it is mainly because of their appearance. They are very independent and very smart. But they need your daily attention - if you're the type that has a lot of time on his hands, Yorkies would be perfect for you.
3. German Shepherd.
German shepherds are herding dogs of medium size. They are mainly animal and obedience training schools used because they are very intelligent, and have well-developed instinct for guarding.
This breed is very loyal and very protective. German Shepherds are very activeto live dogs and need larger premises and for exercises. - Because they are very intelligent, they would have no difficulty in training them. If you want your own watchdog, the best solution is to buy a German shepherd.
4. Golden Retriever.
Just like a Labrador Retriever, breed, this is one of the friendliest, if not friendly around. and of good character, the best descriptions of this type of dog, so kids Sociabletend to like the Golden Retriever of all races. However, poor guard dogs because they can be very sociable with strangers.
5. Beagles.
Beagles are hounds. Medium and low maintenance, can be a perfect pet.
They love him barking and howling, so think twice if you live in a small apartment. They are neither too aggressive nor overly friendly. But once you get their trust, may be one of the Beaglesmost loving breeds. pointed out that, like all dogs, Beagles load the animals so they should not long remain alone, or fear, suffer from separation.
6. Boxer.
This breed is usually inserted in conformation dog show competitions because of his stature e. Boxers are alert, athletic, and they make excellent companions and watchdogs. Despite its intimidating boxers are one of the friendliest dogWith all races of children. Boxers love to be with people you trust.
Select this race, if you tag an active lifestyle today, where you can afford to keep your dog from the operation of at least 1 or 2 times.
7. Dachshund.
This breed is also taken as the Vienna "dog" because of its resemblance to a hotdiva especially in relation to his note. Do not be fooled by his appearance, but - dachshund cana great guard dog. Small but brave - this is the perfect way to describe race.
Dachshund dogs are usually active - hunters. They like everything to keep that so if its efforts to hunt. They are very lively and even challenge each dog twice its size. It would never have a dull moment when you live with a dachshund.
8. Poodle.
Because of their appearance (for his curly hair to be exact), Barbonebreeds are considered high maintenance. But this is a perfect example of never judging a book by its cover, or in this case from his coat.
Poodles are one of the most intelligent breeds. They are easily trained, agile and very sharp. But even they get bored easily, so they often find themselves in difficulties. Poodles are one of the few races in all three sizes - small, medium and large - so you can take your choose.
Poodles dogood companion, but not great with small children, so make sure you choose the right ...
9. Shih Tzu.
They are small and compact, and without fear (as the name suggests - Shih Tzu = Lion). Shih Tzu combine courage and beauty, which usually means you have a lifestyle that leaves the time you have to spend a day not only for him to walk, but keep. Their long flowing coats require daily attention, as a rule.
They are playful, active and intelligent. However,they are very difficult to house break - then it is likely that you would need patience and more time with them.
10. Bulldogs.
Bulldogs are stocky and medium-sized dogs -. They are usually not perceived as a puppy (and with their physical layout that would be), but would like ... Her look a bit 'fierce, they may think that they should be treated moody and difficult, but it would not be further from the truth.
Bulldogs are very loving andfriendly, if stubborn and a bit 'of wire. They are good with children and get along with other pets. So if you have a cat in the house, the perfect companion bulldog could not only you but for your cat.
At the end of the day, selecting the best breed for your personality and lifestyle is like choosing a mate - which must be equal to or things will be difficult. Please do not be tempted to buy a puppy just because it looks nice - this is, and do yourself a favor andlearn a bit 'on each race.
So if you are an active subject - Choose an agile active dog. - If your days watching TV, you spend your exit, however, and the movement ... OK - I'm kidding ... If your lifestyle, time is filled with long days of work, or too little free time you do not get too much attention must dog or exercise (although all dogs need attention - as if they were used to him, but to consider a cat).