Sunday, November 21, 2010

Training a dog breed Large

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Big Dog, great personality!

"A dog is a dog!"

This is what I've been told so many so-called "dog trainers".

I believe that this statement is nonsense, it is the same as saying that people are the same, what we know is to say a foolish thing. There are dogs for years and had several different breeds of small dogs like Dachshunds Poodle, Labrador, Doberman, and for several years, we have shared our home with the gentle giants, the German dogs.

So I know first hand that not only the personality of each dog, but also the different races have certain characteristics and capabilities. It 's easy to understand, if you're wondering why a particular breed was developed in the first place? What was the dog will be used and what was the original breeder trying to produce?

The Gentle Giants.

Big> Dog with a great personality.

I love dogs and like I said, we always had around us. This is likely to be difficult to explain, and for all that, or have never had the pleasure of not having a giant breed dog that is difficult to understand. This great personality, I just mentioned is something I just do not get small dogs, for sure, dogs, dogs that are bold andnot afraid of anything, but that's not what I'm talking about.

It 'more like home to another person. It is not the physical size. I said that it would be difficult to explain, dogs are giants like no other dog in my opinion, and soon find the system that is developed with a large breed dog is different that each animal a pet you've ever tried.

I attribute this to the "great personality" I tried to explain.

Training Who's the Boss here!

I now firmly believe that dog training breed like a Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, Mastiff, or too few to mention a giant that is not the same as for example the development of an approach, Labrador. In part because of physical size, but more because of the dogs spirit.

Do not get me wrong, I'm not so hard to train does not, then it is a huge competition for a smaller train> Dog, I'm just saying it's different!

The coach

there are many so-called "coaches" out there who are not qualified, however, little or no knowledge of the formation of a giant breed of dog. Some of the techniques they use are actually only counterproductive, it can be.

Fortunately, there are some good qualified dog trainer, racing to make all of whom have knowledge, background, methods, we believe in training dogs with nature and the best wayas positive reinforcement.

Training costs vary greatly, I can recommend "The Secrets of Dog Training 'by Daniel Stevens for all the needs of dog training. I can not stress enough that bad or untrained dog is a dangerous, but a trained dog GIANT-UN is in a different league.

I am not suggesting for a minute that all giant breed dogs trained to kill all go wrong, but what I'm saying is

If you do not remember,£ 150 a German mastiff, which goes directly into someone decides you need some pretty good insurance. And of course there is always the possibility you can lose your dog when it is running on a busy road not to mention road users decided the resulting chaos and injuries.

I) saw with my own eyes someone is hit directly from behind by a Great Dane speed (not one of my dogs, I might add. This person literally walked several feet in the air beforecrashing hard on the ground that could cause serious injury. Something similar can be easily avoided with proper training.

So what are you waiting for?

If you love your dog, you'll love it even more if you trained properly.

Good luck and please believe me, giant dogs need training.

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